Free Holiday Gift Guide
Why Made in the USA?
Each year gift buying presents us with an opportunity to vote with our dollars. This guide started from the news in 2020 about the treatment of Uyghur Muslims in China, and the desire among many of my friends to avoid participating in the slave labor associated with that. The difficulty was in finding gifts that were both quality and affordable but not made in China.
And thus, my Made in the USA GIft Guide was born.
It’s Here! Plus, a Bonus
Every year is a fun adventure in finding more and better gift ideas. This year I think I’ve outdone myself. I’ve also added a few pages specifically dedicated to supporting Israeli businesses hurt by the BDS movement and the war of the last year.
I hope you enjoy and find usefulness in it! Download your .pdf copy of the guide below, and don’t forget to keep scrolling for this year’s bonus….
A special extra guide for Christmas decorations and candy swaps that are made in the USA!
Download the Guide
Note that each item is linked. Just click the bolded name of the item!